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Why Are Your Grandparents Taking CBD?

senior citizen

Do your grandparents use CBD? Most people wouldn’t expect senior citizens to be open to trying CBD products. Generally, older people are thought to be more resistant to try new or different alternative health and wellness treatments and are more likely to stick only to what their doctors tell them. Of course, individuals are all different, but this is typically what we think of when we think of senior citizens.

The thing is though, according to a Gallup Poll conducted a few years ago, nearly 1 in 5 people over 50 use some kind of CBD product. Although that poll was from nearly three years ago, it’s safe to assume that that number has only gone up as CBD has become more and more mainstream. 

 Why Are Your Grandparents Taking CBD?

Despite the general perception of older people being more conservative or closed minded when it comes to their health decisions, the 65+ age group is actually the fastest growing demographic that we see when it comes to trying cannabis. You might think this is unlikely, but you have to ask yourself why this would be the case.

One of the primary reasons may be that senior citizens like your grandparents are more likely to suffer from many of the conditions that CBD is either proven or reported to help. They are also more likely than the general population to be prescribed a host of different medications and drugs. Both of these factors make them prime candidates for trying CBD products to improve their health, wellness, and overall quality of life.

What Conditions Are Senior Citizens Trying to Help?

There are a host of reported benefits of consuming CBD products. We go over some of them in detail in a previous article of ours, but here is a list of things that CBD may do that are particularly relevant for elderly people like your grandparents:

  • Relieves arthritis pain
  • Relieves chronic pain
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Reduces muscle spasms
  • Improves sleep
  • Prevents or reduces symptoms related to Alzheimer's disease
  • May reduce cancer cell growth
  • Reduces nausea and vomiting for cancer patients being treated with chemotherapy

Although there is still a lot of research to be done to see exactly how CBD may help these conditions and improve the lives of older people, below is some of what we know so far.

CBD Works through the Endocannabinoid System (ECS)

The endocannabinoid system is a relatively recently discovered body system that serves as a biochemical communication highway. It’s a system of receptors found in the human body, which is responsible for regulating pain, appetite, mood, and memory. 

The ECS consists of two primary cannabinoid receptors: CB1 receptors (most abundant in the central nervous system) and CB2 receptors (more abundant in the cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, and peripheral nervous systems). CBD interacts indirectly with both the CB1 and CB2 receptors, acting on the parts that regulate pain and inflammation. 

CBD Is Generally Considered Safe for Seniors (and all other adults)

Although you should always talk to your doctor before trying CBD to see what their thoughts are on the matter, CBD is generally safe for elderly people to consume. The only reported side effects that have been reported are typically related to incorrect dosage and may include dry mouth, diarrhea, reduced appetite, and tiredness. Once you find the right dosage, these symptoms should subside. As we always recommend with dosage, start small and work your way up as you see how it makes you feel and how it works with your body.

With that said, you cannot overdose on CBD and it is completely non-toxic and non-life threatening. You, your parents, and your grandparents should be fine consuming it, so long as you talk to a doctor and make sure it will not interfere with any medications you are also consuming. We recommend that elderly people not consume CBD if they are also taking blood thinners. If you or your family member takes blood thinners but would really like to try CBD, they should definitely consult with their doctor first, as it may increase the amount of blood thinning medication in the blood stream.

Your Grandparents Should Be Mindful of What CBD They’re Buying

Like with any medication, supplement, or food that you put into your body, you want to make sure it comes from a high quality source and reputable company. Unfortunately, due to the meteoric rise of CBD popularity, there are a lot of fake or low quality products on the market. Many companies will try to take advantage of people (especially elderly people) by misrepresenting their products and having a disconnect between their labels and actual CBD.

The solution? Purchase CBD products from transparent, reputable companies. The most important thing to look for are third party lab tests. These tests confirm that CBD products have the amount of THC and CBD that their labels claim, as well as giving you peace of mind that the product is free from any contaminants. The majority, if not all, of reputable CBD companies will have their lab test results readily available for their customers to view.

If you are unable to find these lab reports, it could mean a number of things. For instance, it could mean that the product did not contain the stated amount of THC. Or, maybe the product contained harmful impurities. It could also simply mean the company simply forgot to upload the report to its website. Either way, it would be a good idea to reach out to the company in question and inquire about their lab testing.

Check out the lab testing our products go through at Urban Roots.

There Is Little to Lose and a Lot to Gain

The overall point is that there is mounting evidence that CBD may help a wide range of health conditions that people in your grandparents age group are likely to suffer from. Many of the medications and drugs that they rely on to help those conditions often come a at a very high cost. They have serious side effects that can create whole new conditions different from the one you’re treating, leading to the need for more and more medications. Quality of life goes down as a result.

CBD products, on the other hand, have no serious negative or long term side effects, typically cost a lot less, and won’t require you to take more and more drugs to combat the effects of the previous ones. What that means is that there is little or nothing to lose by giving CBD a try. So long as it doesn’t conflict with any medications that you absolutely have to take, then it is worth testing.

Your grandparents may find that it relieves their inflammation, pain, sleeplessness, muscle spasms, or even Alzheimer’s symptoms. If they can feel better and take even one less hard drug or serious side effect causing medication, then we think that it is worth it.

Your Grandparents’ Health Is Ultimately Their Responsibility

As we often preach here at Urban Roots, what each individual does for their health is up to them. Doctors are there to consult, let you know their opinion, and give you options for treatment and prevention. You should always talk to them about health decisions, but you also shouldn’t be afraid to try something new, particularly if it has no known serious or long term side effects, like CBD.

So if you’re an elderly person who is thinking about trying CBD or you think it would benefit your parent or grandparent, then we encourage you to do so or encourage them to do so. And don’t forget that we are here to help! If you have any questions about CBD and how it may benefit you or your family member, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Also, take a look at our high quality, lab tested CBD products here.