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Is CBD Safe for Pets?

is CBD safe for pets

CBD isn’t just exploding in popularity for humans, it’s also becoming increasingly popular for dogs and cats. Pet owners are giving their pets CBD for a wide variety of reasons, ranging from pain relief and anti-seizure applications, to using it to combat neurodegenerative diseases, weight and appetite loss, tumors, and nighttime restlessness. With all the hype, many pet owners are asking the question: Is CBD safe for dogs and cats?

Just like with ourselves, CBD for dogs and cats works by interacting with their endocannabinoid systems. This bodily system operates the same way in animals that it does in humans and serves as a bio-chemical communication system in their bodies. The endocannabinoid system is a network of sensors, receptors, and enzymes that transmit information and induce certain bodily responses in an attempt to maintain homeostasis, or internal balance.

The major components of your pet’s endocannabinoid system include:

  • Endocannabinoids
  • Receptors in the nervous system and around your body that endocannabinoids and cannabinoids bond with
  • Enzymes that help break down endocannabinoids and cannabinoids

Uses of CBD for Dogs and Cats

The potential uses of CBD for dogs and cats are as wide reaching as they are for humans.

  • CBD for Dogs with Chronic Pain and Arthritis - In both dogs and humans, studies have shown that CBD can have powerful pain-relieving and anti- inflammatory effects, making it a very viable option for treating the symptoms of arthritis, joint pain, nerve-related pain, and general inflammation.
  • CBD for Dogs and Cats with Anxiety - Many older dogs tend to develop anxiety problems. Often this is the result of deteriorating eyesight and hearing, decreasing awareness, and forgetting of previous learned cues or habits. In some cases, this anxiety can also lead to restlessness and, possibly, increased aggression. For older, anxious dogs, CBD has been found to have a calming effect. Just like with inflammation, when it comes to anxiety CBD targets the endocannabinoid system, which helps both dog and human bodies balance emotions.
  • CBD as an Anti-Convulsant - As we mentioned before, CBD is already being researched as a possible treatment for the symptoms of epilepsy. And the results are promising. In fact, one of the better known and accepted uses of CBD for dogs, cats, and other animals is its ability to help control seizures, tremors, tics, and spasms. Though it is not exactly clear how it works, numerous studies have proven that CBD can help manage a wide variety of effects of epilepsy, as well as help manage spasticity caused by multiple sclerosis.
  • CBD for Lack of Appetite in Dogs and Cats - If you’re noticing your dog or cat is starting to eat less than normal or is refusing their food, try changing up their diet and adding CBD hemp oil to their daily regimen. CBD is known for helping stimulate your pet’s appetite and can even help decrease nausea and vomiting. Both in humans and dogs, nausea and vomiting are serious symptoms, often leading to a decreased appetite, rapid weight loss, dehydration, fatigue, and more. Instead of giving your pet acepromazine, chlorpromazine, or aminopentamide, all of which have strong and serious side-effects, give CBD a try.

Is CBD Safe for Pets?

As with any pet wellness trend, once it starts to really take off, it can sometimes be difficult to discern what information is true and what isn’t. Many pet owners may be hesitant to try giving their animal a new substance if they think it is just a “fad” or all hype. The question many have is probably, “is CBD good for my dog” or “does CBD actually do anything for pets?”

The issue that we have right now is that it is difficult to speak in definitive terms. This is because all the research looking into CBD and pets (and humans, for that matter) is still in its beginning stages. However, what we can say is that the clinical and preclinical research that has been undertaken looks extremely promising and we are starting to understand the vast scope of applications for CBD for pets.

According to this article on sciencenews.org, studies are quickly picking up the pace. They report that medical researchers are increasingly filling the CBD-research void, with the National Institutes of Health funding for CBD studies growing from zero in 2014 to an estimated 16 million in 2018. And that number is only expected to rise further.

What we know so far is that there are not any known serious negative side effects of CBD for either humans or animals, and that pets cannot overdose on CBD. It is completely non-toxic and does not produce euphoric or other psycho-active effects (in other words, CBD will not make your dog “high”). According to a report put out by the World Health Organization in 2017, CBD appears to be safe and well tolerated by both dogs and cats, and no serious negative effects have been observed.

Side Effects of CBD for Dogs and Cats

With all that said, there have been some reported mild side effects of CBD in dogs and cats. Reported side effects include:

  • Dry mouth: Research has shown that CBD can decrease the production of saliva. For dogs, this would manifest as an increased thirst.
  • Lowered blood pressure: High doses of CBD have been known to cause a small temporary drop in blood pressure.
  • Drowsiness: Dog owners have used CBD to treat anxiety. The calming effect of CBD can also cause slight drowsiness, especially when using higher doses.

It’s important to remember that just because some owners have reported these side effects in their pets, it does not mean that if you give CBD to dogs and cats, your pets will experience the same. The effects we listed above are primarily the result of dosage issues. Just like if you are trying CBD for yourself, you have to experiment to find the proper dosage for your pet. Start small and work your way slowly up as long as your furry friend is showing improvement in the symptoms you are trying to treat.

How to Administer CBD to Dogs and Cats

CBD is considered safe for pets, so let’s say you’ve decided to give it a try for your dog or cat. What now? How do you actually give CBD to your dog or cat? Depending on what type of food your pet eats, many owners will simply add oil to their meals. This works well if your pet eats wet food or if the dry food is porous enough to absorb the oil. Similarly, if you give your pet porous treats, you can place CBD oil on the treat to absorb it and then give the treat to your dog or cat.

Another common method for giving CBD to your pet is placing it directly in their mouth. For example, at Urban Roots you can purchase our tincture products and use the dropper to drop the CBD under or on their tongue. If you are a baker and feel like challenging yourself, you can make your own dog treats with CBD in them. However, this is only recommended if you have experience making CBD food products. Otherwise, the dosage may be hard to measure or be uneven.

Is CBD Safe for Dogs and Cats? Make Sure It’s Pure

At the end of the day, all signs and information point towards CBD being safe to give to your pet. However, you have to ensure the CBD is high quality. At Urban Roots Hemp Co, our products are tested multiple times to assure its purity. There is an initial test done by the extraction supplier, the raw CBD isolate tested by us, and a final test on our individual products. You can rest easy that any product your purchase from us will be effective of the highest quality.

Give CBD a try for your dog or cat today!

CBD Infused Salmon Oil for Dogs and Cats

Give your pets the powerhouse combination of all natural Wild-Alaskan salmon oil infused with Hemp Oil for Daily Wellness! 

 CBD for dogs and cats